Server Status
DCS Mission Map Times:
data loading..
DCS Mission Weather:
Temp 210C | QNH 30.51 inHg | Temp 210C | QNH 745 mmHg |
Cloud Base 984 | Density 0 | Cloud Base 800m | Density 10 |
(At this time weather data is only static placeholders for demonstation)
NOTE: If veiwing the above data on my github website, the above time data is static only, and not dynamic as it is on a "live" local server, or would be on a hosted website/database server (coming sooner, or later).
The “Rising Thunder Alpha Test” servers are <persistent> 24/7 Client & AI (Bots) training and testing servers utilizing the DCS Caucasus and NTTR maps, containing training task and objectives to fulfill for both coalitions. The primary purpose of the “Rising Thunder Alpha Test” servers are to develop the base code and administration processes required for the forthcoming “Rising Thunder DCS World Dedicated Server Series”.
The Rising Thunder Gadget has six sub gadgets to manage your roleplaying experience in the works;
- Server Status
- Current Mission Time
- Current Map Weather
- Leaderboard
- Your Account Gadget
- more to be announced soon
Check back in two weeks :-)
(Inspired by the very excellent BuddySpike DCS World Servers and Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising)
"Our dream is to offer the most authentic and realistic simulation of military aircraft, tanks, ground vehicles and ships possible."
~Eagle Dynamics~