Rising Thunder Alpha Test

A "Career Level" DCS World Server Series


The purpose of this page is soley for my personal learning exercises in using multmedia assests within html,
hence the shamless ripping, although resized and/or croped, images from the DCS webpages.
Hopfully ED will view this as free advertising and not get too bent up...

Responsive Media
(Resolution switching: Different sizes)
F-14 taking off from an aircraft carrier
A Heatblur F-14 Taking Off.

A Yak-52 taking off
A DCS Yak-52

(Resolution switching: Same size, different resolutions)
 Image of a URAL 4320 fire truck AA-8.0
Image of a URAL 4320 fire truck AA-08 why
(Art direction)
an F14 crew lighting the fires
Yak-52 Instructor and student
Favorite DCS Videos


Rising Thunder Servers a construction sign ~Comming Eventually~

Turn down the thunder if your frightened :-) .